RE: Email and printing

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>>>>3. Is there any way to get my Xp bootloader to load Linux?
>>>Probably, but that's not how I'd do it...
>>>1. Let grub replace the MBR on the boot disk (IMO this is
>easiest, but
>>>purists will argue it's the wrong way to do it)
>>Would this mean reinstalling RH from scratch?
>I am doing what you want to do.  You do not need to reinstall RH to
>get the XP loader to load both Linux and XP. I do not have the exact
>steps in front of me but I found them but doing a simple hunt with
>   Look for:
>"NT Loader" linux boot
>Be sure to include the quotes around the NT Loader part.
>Essentially,as long as you have a /boot mount in Linux, you should be
>fine. While booted in Linux, I used this command to get the
>bootsector from the /boot drive:
>dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/mnt/floppy/bootsect.lin bs=512 count=1
>where /dev/hda2 was where my /boot was mounted and the /mnt/floppy
>was the mount for my floppy drive. That gave me a floppy with the
>bootsector for linux.  I booted XP.  I copied the bootsect.lin to
>C:\.  Then you edit boot.ini and add a line at the bottom for Linux.
>This is what my boot.ini looks like:
>[boot loader]
>[operating systems]
>multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Pro"
>C:\bootsect.lin = "Linux 8.0"

I had picked up some instructions on doing this earlier. But I get an
error message "Grub hard drive error" when I pick the Linux option on
booting... Is there something else I need to config?


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