On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 15:05, Michael Schwendt wrote: > This tries to install a _source_ rpm either as a non-root user or > without the "rpmbuild" package installed (which contains the > /usr/src/redhat tree). damn! you beat me to it :-) If you want to install xmms-mp3, I would strongly advise to build the src rpm in you're home directory as yourself! and not root. Copy the following into a file called ~/.rpmmacros (you're home directory) --------- cut ------------ %packager Craig Toenes <mobyg2@yahoo.com> %_topdir /home/something/redhat %_tmppath /var/tmp/rpmbuild %_rpmtopdir %{_topdir} %_builddir %{_topdir}/BUILD %_rpmdir %{_rpmtopdir}/RPMS %_sourcedir %{_rpmtopdir}/SOURCES/%{name} %_specdir %{_rpmtopdir}/SPECS %_srcrpmdir %{_rpmtopdir}/SRPMS --------- cut ------------ mkdir ~/redhat cd ~/redhat mkdir SOURCES SPECS SRPMS BUILD RPMS Then install (as stated before 'rpmbuild', just up2date rpmbuild) then install the xmms src rpm with: rpm -Uvh xmms-1.2.7-13.p.src.rpm Then cd into ~/redhat/SPECS rpmbuild -ba xmms.spec That should build and install into the ~/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory Then as root cd into that directory and run: rpm -Uvh xmms* Mark -- To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research. -- Psyche-list mailing list Psyche-list@redhat.com https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list