RE: remote desktop

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To view the whole redhat desktop you need to use something like vncserver, vnc (Virtual Network computing).  TightVNC comes with the redhat distro.  Install vnc and run the command vncserver at a console prompt.  This will create a session with an associated number  The ports used start at 5800 for the http client and 5900 for the vncclient.
[paulhamm@hephaistos paulhamm]$ vncserver
New 'X' desktop is hephaistos:1
Starting applications specified in /tmp_mnt/home/paulhamm/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /tmp_mnt/home/paulhamm/.vnc/hephaistos:1.log
In the above example you can use a browser to port 5801 or the vncclient to 5901.  Windows client opens a window input would be <hostname>:#.  Linux client works the same way though you can use a command line "vncviewer <hostname>:#"  or the gui widget which runs like the windows version.  If your linux machine is behind a firewall you will need to open the ports or tunnel them through ssh.  VNC is stateless meaning a lost connection does nothing but stop displaying so processes started stay running.  I have found that vncviewer runs much more smoothly on Linux than on windows.  Be aware that this is a band width hog as it sends screen shots over the wire.  You can minimize this by dropping the color depth on the server machine.  See the man pages.  I find that vnc works well in lan environments.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre Lamb []
Sent: Mon, November 25, 2002 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: remote desktop

I have to use ssh to tunnel out to linux box. I am not running kde but the redhat 8.0 desktop but how do u start it remotely

 Ryan McDougall <> wrote:

If you have a terminal all you need to do is issue the command to startup your
favorite window manager (i.e. startkde). Because X should already be running on
the host box so now running the window manager is just like getting any other X
app to display. No need to mess with VNC if you already have X forwarding to
your machine.


--- Pierre Lamb wrote:
> What are the steps required to get the desktop display on a remote screen. I
> have setup ssh with X11 tunneling, I can get x apps to display but would like
> to get the desktop to display also
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