>Message: 1
>Subject: Good RedHat 8.0 Books
>From: Ilona <smanoli@netzero.net>
>To: "psyche-list@redhat.com" <psyche-list@redhat.com>
>Date: 17 Nov 2002 22:05:33 -0800
>Reply-To: psyche-list@redhat.com
>I'm looking into getting some good books on 8.0. Does anybody have any
>suggestions? I'm looking for books that tell me general usage stuff
>i'm running 8.0 on a laptop and this is my first time w/ linux GUI, had
Because the "Red Hat Linux 7.3 Bible", which is in my lap (it probably
weighs several pounds) is an *excellent* book (not just a "good" book),
I ordered the version for Psyche, and am waiting for it to arrive.
Here's the info:
"Red Hat Linux 8 Bible" by Christopher Negus. Published by Wiley. ISBN
0-7645-4968-5. 1104 pages, published October 17, 2002. I've ordered
technical books from Amazon.com, Bookpool.com and Buy.com with nice
Lanny in Cali, Colombia, South America
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