> ------- Message d'origine ------- > > From : Marko Asplund <aspa@kronodoc.fi> > Date : Tue, 12 Nov 2002 14:11:54 +0200 (EET) > > >are filesystem quotas supposed to work with LVM on Psyche? when i run > /sbin/quotacheck -v -F vfsv0 /home > >on a Red Hat 7.3 system & non-LVM filesystem which doesn't have a >quotafile, the command creates the quotafile. when i run the same command >on a Psyche system & LVM filesystem i get the following message: > quotacheck: Cannot get quotafile name for /dev/Volume00/LogVol03 > >filesystems are mounted with quota support in both cases. any ideas? After mounting file system with quota enabled touch /home/quota.user touch /home/quota.group should help you.... Best regards _________________________________________________________Gagne une PS2 ! Envoie un SMS avec le code PS au 61166 (0,35€ Hors coût du SMS)