can disable it either by setting PEERDNS=no in
/etc/ssyconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<interface> or by unchecking
"Automatically obtain DNS information from provider" in redhat-config-network
tool. I think dhclient rewrites resolv.conf every time it renews a lease
(usually 1/2 of lease time, but depends on DHCP server).
-----Original Message-----i'm using dhclient which autogenerates resolv.conf. i'm also using the cisco vpn client which overwrites resolv.conf.
From: Mark Krischer []
Sent: Mon, November 04, 2002 5:00 PM
Subject: dhclient and resolv.conf autogen
every so often, it looks like something is overwriting resolv.conf with the one gotten as part of the lease. does anyone know how to disable this? the effect is that my vpn link stops working what seems like every few minutes until i recopy a backup over resolv.conf.
i can see resolv.conf being generated by dhclient-script, but i couldn't see what was calling it so regularly.
Mark Krischer, Manager, Software Engineering
Wireless Networking Business Unit, Cisco Systems
Level 2, 3 Innovation Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia
work: +61 2 8446 1009 fax: +61 2 8446 1001
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