Hi, now i'll probably get burned for posting this here but frankly you guys know more than most! Simple question i'm sure many of the readers use alsa for there sound. how do i store the mixer settings? After weeks of no sound due to the via82xx issue in redhat 8 i loaded alsa and now have sound. GREAT. however i read the man pages on alsamixer and alsactl but can't get it to unmute the mixer settings on startup. each time i boot i have to go into the terminal and type alsactl restore. i'm a lazy sod so anyone know how to unmute these automatically. Another question somewhat related but possibly usefull is there a similar setting in redhat to windows98 etc run conmmand from the registry or winstartup.bat where you can put command like options to start while the OS is starting. I presume it's a script but where would it be called from. Richard -- Psyche-list mailing list Psyche-list@redhat.com https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list