Re: openldap woes - Redhat 8

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Did you check that there is a slapd process running under the ldap user, 
and that it is listening on ldap service port?
ps -ef|grep ldap
netstat -at|grep ldap

If so then check that it is listening on all addresses (thus including 
loopback) and that your ldapsearch is against localhost (default I 
think).  If so, then check iptables or ipchains or tcpwrapper 
(/etc/hosts.allow,/etc/hosts.deny) restrictions.

If no process or not listening on expected port then look for a 
slapd.conf configuration problem.  You can turn on logging of 
configuration errors with a "loglevel 64" directive, and make sure your 
syslog.conf has local4.* going somewhere.

>I came to work, logged into another 8.0 box, downloaded the redhat
>openldap rpmz that were distributed with 8.0 and installed them, copied
>over my config files from home, made sure everything looked the same
>everywhere, and fired everything up.  An ldapsearch says 'ldap_bind:
>can't contact LDAP server'.  
>I can't ldapadd, either, obviously (but I did it just to check).
>I opened a window to my home machine and one on my local machine and the
>only difference I could see was that /var/lib/ldap at home had stuff in
>it, and the one here at work doesn't.  I'm guessing that's because I
>actually did a successful 'ldapadd' at home, so maybe openldap doesn't
>create stuff until there's stuff to add to the directory?  
>Permissions/modes/ownership is the same all over.  /etc/init.d/ldap
>start gives me no errors, and there are no errors anywhere in /var/log
>(I grep'd the whole directory for 'ldap' and 'slapd'. Nothing). 
>I compared the /etc/passwd entries for the 'ldap' user, and they're
>identical as well.  
>Is there a way to get Openldap to give me ANY kind of information about
>what is going on here?  Any other clues are more than welcome.  I really
>don't want to have to use SunONE. :-(

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