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I'm new to the list.
I have been using the Redhat 7.2 based K12os for about 7 months and just installed Psyche.  I have also dabbled with RH 7.1, Blue Linux, Lycoris and Corel OS, but my only extensive experience has been the last 7 months using the k12 os.
So, I am essentially still a newbie.
I am already having issues with 8.0.
I seem to be unable to install or upgrade any packages and to register with RHN.
When I try to rpm anything (like the xmms plugin for mp3 support) the machine hangs, whether I am using a root terminal or the gui package managar.  The gui mgr hangs while "checking product headers".
It did that when I treid to install the driver for my printer (lexmark z33, which worked fine under the 7.2 based k12.  I acquired the driver from the lexmark site.  the install uses a shell script, but the machine hangs when I initiate it.)
I havbe a second printer, a Compaq IJ1200--same as the Lexmark z42.  I tried ot install that one, the driver is in the install, but when I tried to print nothing happens.  The job goes to queu, but the printer sits like a lump on a log. (yes, it is on and plugged in... ;} )
I tried to install blackdown jre and was told "permission denied" although signed into terminal as root.
I tried to edit /etc/fstab as root, to mount my doze partition, and was denied permission to alter the document.
Attempts to run /sbin/rhn_register or from the gui/rhn icon in the menu were fruitless (machine hung again).
I'm almost tempted to reinstall the k12, but I suppose I should at least give this a few days to see if I can iron everything out.  the only thing isd, as a teacher and a distance education graduate student, I can't really afford any serious disruption of service, here.  Printing, is especially crucial, of course.
Phew!  I suppose that's enough for one post, huh?

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