On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 10:52:05 -0400 Alan Becker <rhml@mail-now.com> wrote: # (1) rhn_register is GONE!! What is it's replacement?? # In 7.2 this program is provided by the "rhn_register" # package. The 8.0 release notes have lists of removed and # replaced packages and the "rhn_register" package is not # mentioned at all. The registration functionality has been moved into up2date itself. This was in the release notes. # (2) The release notes indicate that something called # the "RedHat Setup Agent" is supposed to launch on # first boot after installation. I have never seen this # (I've done 2 installs), but then I always use the # option to boot into text-mode. Is it a GUI thing? # How would one launch this from command line? Yes, it's a gui thing. It's ran the first time you init 5, and it's called "firstboot". # I need a command-line means of registering these # systems with RHN. Any suggestions would be welcome. # Al Becker Use the 'up2date' tool. -- Jesse Keating j2Solutions.net Mondo DevTeam (www.mondorescue.org) Was I helpful? Let others know: http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=jkeating