Henrik (InetSoft.dk) schrieb: >I have tried to change to sound-sloth-0 but it doesn't help.. > >I HAVE compiled (successfully) the nForce drivers under RedHat (via the >source) but in the README file it says, that you should use the one that >follows with RedHat because it works just fine.. So therefore, there is >NO nvaudio driver compiled (if I understands right).. > >Today, I'm re-installing my system, and then I try to compile it again, >and then we see how I goes.. > >Thanks for your time! > > > > > on an msi k7n420 pro october 2001 firmware 2.0 -> 2.6 (error while booting, not enough memory) -> 2.4 onboard: nforce gpu nforce sound nforce nic with redhat 7.2 / 7.3 / limbo / 8.0 clean install 8.0 (new harddisk) for the sound!! the first thing after installation in textmode *without* nforce-driver: #sndconfig --noprobe -> i810 in modules.conf: alias sound-slot-0 i810_audio (the same for post-install/pre-remove) #esd -> i can hear the test sound it works on my system evtl. the only thing you was missing: *enable* the sound-daemon in your window-manager restart X -- shrek-m