Re: Redhat 8 missing smp-kernel as stated by a bugzilla op, but a guy says something else?

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>>>>> "t" == tron  <Nathan> writes:

t> Well I don't know how to keep the kernel, redhat 8 will either
t> replace the kernel in install or halt upgrade because of the smp
t> kernel I have installed on the system.

Assuming you're upgrading, just put the old kernel RPM somewhere on
your hard disk.  Then, when the installer is finished but before you
reboot, switch to VT2 (Ctrl-Alt-F2), type "chroot /mnt/sysimage" (I
think that's the place) which will place you into the installed system
as if you had just booted single user.  (Or you can boot from the CD
in rescue mode and follow the instructions.)  Then rpm -ivh the old
kernel package, edit /etc/grub.conf to make it the default and reboot.

The question does beg itself, though: if the uniprocessor kernel
doesn't work for you, how can you even boot the installer?  Perhaps a
uniprocessor kernel for the i386 will work fine for you.

 - J<

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