Re: Re: kernel-headers rpm ?

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Riku Meskanen wrote:

brother in law or associate professor next faculty, happy
with pretty standard Red Hat otherwise but needs to keep
system up2date and get some thirdparty modules easily
compiled at the times when a kernel was updated too.

They wouldn't be using 3rd party modules, unless I or a sysadmin had set them up.
At which time they would ask me or the admin for help.

I don't know if it's for real that Red Hat considers rebuilding
thirdparty modules like from VMWare or like "advanced use" and
out of scope, but if they do they haven't realized the fact

If you use 3rd party modules, Red Hat won't support you. You must duplicate the bug without the added modules. I've seen this many times on the Red Hat lists and in bugzilla, for VMWare, NVIDIA, and ATi drvers/modules.

that nobody really can expect thirdparty vendors jumping jacks
every single time new Linux kernel build comes out.

Not every new kernel, just the update kernel for supported systems. If they claim support for Red Hat Linux 7.3, and a new kernel is released _by Red Hat_ for it, they should rebuild their drivers, and release them as an update, or test the old drivers with the new kernel, and give instructions on using them.

copy old driver, to new modules tree, change /etc/modules.conf to ignore the modversion info. Or a script for the users that will do both.

There either needs to be a) simple way to rebuild modules or there
need to be b) compatibilty over the kernel x.x RELEASE builds like
Sun has had it more than past five years. Red Hat already has a),

Then Red Hat would have to use 2.0 kernels. The Linus and the _kernel_ developers make the changes that cause the incompatibilities. Wait for linux(the kernel), gcc, and glibc to be more stable. The same could be said for GNOME, since GNOME-2 is very incompatible with GNOME-1.

the b) will get closer over the time.

I agree the kernel header should be in the kernel rpms. They used to be, back when /usr/include/linux was a symlink to /usr/src/linux/include/linux. But when Linus and glibc agreed that should change, they were removed from the kernel rpm, as they were no longer needed for glibc, and glibc uses a subset in a seperate package (glibc-kernheaders) that only changes when glibc is rebuilt.


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