RE: International pricing discrepancy

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 --- Trevor <> wrote:
> Yes, but you've got Big Ben. <GRIN>
That's like saying you've got the Washington Monument
when you live in Arkansas - I need to travel 3 hours
to see the Big Ben :p

> RedHat is based in the US.  That is their home turf
> (they must choose their
> battles carefully).  Plus, you can just download RH
> for free off the web
> anyway, so this is really a non-issue.
I actually *like* to purchase a boxed set once in a
while, and to do so without feeling a bit... paying
through the nose. Until the pricing issue is resolved
though, I'd only buy significant releases (bought 7.2,
probably will buy 8.2 unless 8.0 proves to be a real

> There are tarrifs involved when trying to import a
> product into a country.
> That raises prices too.
Surely it would still be cheaper than importing a
boxed set from US? And anyway, there's Red Hat UK and
Red Hat Deutschland.

I even recall a time when Red Hat only distributes its
crypto stuff from Germany - ask Bero :)


ps cool email address!

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