Why AnotherLevel support dropped from 7.2?

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> Not really. Put .Xclients into your home directory and from that you can
> run whatever you want, without having to modify any system-wide file. I
> run WindowMaker that way, despite having both Gnome and KDE installed.
> Oh, and Red Hat provides switchdesk tool, that sets up ~/.Xclients for
> you. It supports per-user switching between all of these: KDE, GNOME,
> FVWM, Enlightenment, WindowMaker, or twm.

I got caught on that. I have shared home directories, and when I 
upgraded from 5.x to 6.x I did so on one machine first.

I then ran switchdesk to switch to a different desktop on the 6.x 
system, and discovered I had problems logging in on 5.x systems.

Home directories are not the right place for system configuration 

John Summerfield

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