Hi there, I'm trying to build a custom redhat cd, so i customize the comps file, and run a self made perlscript to check dependencies and it creates a dir with all needed rpm's (usually they're about 190 mb). There are also another rpms that are needed to be present in that dir to buildinstall to run perfect, like anaconda*.rpm and kernel*.rpm Xconfigurator etc. after i run the genhdlist, buildinstall (2 or 3 errors that i think irrelevant for the problem itself) i burn the iso image and the cd doesn't boot. all the steps are described below: mkdir mycd mkdir mycd/RedHat mkdir mycd/RedHat/base mkdir mycd/RedHat/RPMS edit comps file, original from redhat 7.2 (it's only the base system and some server packages not more, thus no X, gnome kde and all that superfluos packages for a very basic gateway) run my perl script (it checks all the packages in comps file, checks dependencies, and populates mycd/RedHat/RPMS with all necessary RPM's) copy the files needed for buildinstall kernel-* anaconda-* Xconfigurator... and gtk+... genhdlist --with-numbers mycd/ generate the package order PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/anaconda pkgorder mycd i386 > filelist generate the hdlist with the correct order genhdlist --withnumbers --fileorder ./filelist mycd run buildinstall buildinstall mycd/ (outputs only 2 or 3 errors about creating and removig a dir in mycd/RedHat/instimage/usr/X11R6/something/about/fonts, anyway this is not the problem) make the iso mkisofs -V "test cd" -r -J -T -b images/boot.img -c boot.cat -o mycd.iso mycd/ after booting the cd, it just appears the prompt like: booting from CD: and it never boots. am i missing something?! is there an error on what i'm doing?! Another question is, is there any documentation on tweaking anaconda?! like removing som screens and setting the expected values from them manually or adding screens, now i'm poking around the source, but i'ts not very intuitive or well commented to understand it easily (no python guru too, but learning). Thanks all the help anyone can give. Rui Barreiros