I sent a message to this list yesterday asking how I can install an entire rawhide distribution on my machine. I haven't received any responses, so I've been investigating myself and I've made pretty good progress. It seems that the anaconda-runtime package has some scripts which I should be able to use to generate the boot images I need. I still have one problem: the FTP directory for Rawhide doesn't contain a comps (component list) file in the base directory (ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/rawhide/i386/RedHat/base). Is the comps file for rawhide hidden away in some RPM somewhere? Or is it automatically generated from some other script that I need to run? I don't think I can use the comps file from Red Hat 7.2 since there are undoubtedly new packages in rawhide. Can anyone help? thanks -adam