Better File systems? Was Re: XFS - here's the solution

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You're right, I didn't follow your argument completely but rather only a
short subset slamming Unix. I get your gist, though I would have to see
statistics to see whether making such required updates wouldn't reduce
performance too extensively.

I made the mistake of assuming you were a newbie who just didn't like
the idea of disk caching period because the idea was problematic to your
needs. I apologize for that error.

I really didn't need the history lesson, at least the part about it that
rubbed it in my face, but I'll live with it since I admit I was a bit
condescending (I think you have returned that favor in spades though).
Like you I have been in this business for quite a while, I have just
concentrated on different areas.

Finally, while I applaud attempt to improve Unix or any other OS, I
would hesitate to imply that somehow something so drastic as what you
suggest simply "stupidly" escaped the view of so many intelligent people
who have contributed to Unix. It is I suppose possible they just all got
caught up in a prevailing mindset, but I suspect it is more likely that
there were *real* reasons at the time that made their now incorrect
decision the right choice then.

			- Matt

Richard Troy wrote:
> > If "rtroy" supposition was held up disk performance would suffer
> > dramatically.
> This is the very old and very tired dogmatic argument which has been
> disproven repeatedly throughout computing history. ...It could also be
> that you have not understood - perhaps I have not articulated - the
> argument correctly.
> > All OS-es use write caches, including Windows, though you
> > have the option to turn it off. Not using caches leads to poor disk
> > performance, especially on multi-user systems, disks with small buffers,
> > and where you are regularly rewriting the same area.
> This is not a discussion about to use or not use disk caches. Of course
> disk caches are wonderful things. The point is to not allow a condition to
> occurr in which the STRUCTURE OF THE DISK CHANGES _without_ that change
> having been written completely to disk prior to permitting user access
> occurr. A properly managed cache knows the difference between things it
> can write on convenience and things that should be written "now."
> > Also note that applications also use write caches, so even if your OS
> > didn't cache and you powered off the system you would probably lose data
> > with the application cache. If you really want data written immediately
> > don't use "stdio" and do set O_SYNC when you "open()" the file. I've
> > done so when I've had to and the performance difference is enormous.
> This paragraph clearly shows that you have not paid attention to my
> statements. Either that, or you're unfamillar with the difference between
> disk structural changes and the data contained therein. A previous poster
> had it right when he wrote something like "disk stucture = meta-data".
> BINGO! We are _not_ talking about user-data - at least, I'm not.
> > If Unix is stupid because of this, all modern computers are stupid. This
> > is standard computing practice, Bill Gates included.
> Well... It's true that Unix, up until relatively recently, has had this
> rather stupid flaw. They band-aided the thing with fsck - an embarassment
> in my view - because it was _required_ with their strategy. It sucks. The
> argument was that, "these are research systems." And, indeed, most were.
> How do I know this? I was there. It's a very sad truth that computer
> science has suffered greatly because of a mis-guided perception that
> anything older than about 5 years is ancient history and not worth
> learning. There have been no less than three complete generational
> changes - epochs through which similar or identical lessons had to be
> re-learned because of this short-sightedness. Note, we still use the wheel
> even though it's more than 2000 years old, though we have improved upon
> it. Too bad we haven't done so well in the short history of computing.
> -shrug-
> Anyway, as for Windows, it always did suck. I remember when it first hit
> the streets. I took a serious look because at the time I was writing my
> own operating system to control ships, refineries and pipelines. It was
> immediately obvious to me that it was antiquated before it even started.
> One of the most obvious flaws was that it didn't have a proper inturrupt
> system - and that remained true until about Windows 95 - which came out in
> '97 if I recall correctly. It was only when Dave Cutler, inventor of
> RSX-11, and subsequently the primary architect of VAX/VMS, went over to
> the dark side when Ken Olson snubbed him, demanding he close DecWest (in
> Seattle)... Ken made the big mistake of letting him and his code go.
> ...That code line became Windows NT...
> As for "all modern computing" - well, all modern computing does not
> include some really wonderful technologies which were created. These have
> been largely lost due to two primary factors: The failure of many big
> computing companies to correctly handle the microcomputer market, and
> Gate's illegally won monopoly. Sure, there are other reasons, but it's a
> huge mistake to equate modern computing with the most intelligent
> computing.
> I'm guessing that all of this is unfamillar to you. I lament that. That
> old quote is true, I think, the one that says that those who for get the
> past - or who never learned it - are condemned to repeat it...
> Regards,
> Richard
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