Niltze all, Posted a blog entry yesterday as proof-of-concept (PoC) "Coyolxauhqui: Build Reiser4 -patched Linux Kernel, Headers, and Modules, for Stretch-Backports the 'Debian Way'." < > showing how to apply reiser4 patch to Linux kernel the 'Debian way'. Detailed procedure notions may be generalized to keep up with subsequent reiser4 on Debian AMD64; and perhaps other architectures. This is specially true since as debian debian packaging kernel maintainers modify their code and/or patches I have experienced lapses where I have to figure out why something broke my build. For instance it happened during the debian linux 4.11 to 4.12 minor increment -- even debian official builds were missing linux-headers-[]-common-* DEB package. < > To that end, I just hope creative, open/curiosity-minded hackers and/or developers may find the PoC useful so as to increase the pool of developers who may later contribute to a reiser4 community. As a matter of fact, the source that I used to illustrate the reiser4 hacking procedure the 'debian way' generated DEBs that were subsequently uploaded to source forge. < > Currently I am using the reiser4 enabled kernel 4.13.7-2 that I built by the procedure described in the blog. Additionally, as I decommissioned an earlier Reiser4 Debian Jessie (old stable) small cloud instance web server -- which had been operating for approximately 2 years on Google Compute Engine (GCE) and only rebooted for kernel upgrade < > -- I migrated the data to a Metztli-Reiser4 image cloud instance on GCE, too; on both I built PHP [5/6/7].x and HTTPD 2.4.[20/27] No data loss. Best Professional Regards. -- Jose R R --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Metztli Reiser4: Debian Stretch with Linux 4.12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for AMD64 -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe reiserfs-devel" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at