On Wed, 24 Dec 2008 13:06:17 -0800, mark <m.roth2006@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Eric Feldhusen wrote:
On Dec 24, 2008, at 2:29 PM, mark <m.roth2006@xxxxxxx> wrote:
That may be the case, but I'm *jobhunting*, and what everyone (>90%)
want is VMware.
If you're job hunting, more often than not, companies are looking for
ESX experience. I'd recommend registering for the free ESXi and getting
experience with that.
Um, I'm not going to afford going out and buying a brand new system, or
even a
new hard drive. I'm installing this on my existing system. I mean, come
what would you do?
I don't think they're going to worry about whether I installed bare
metal, or
hosted, just that I'm familiar with VMware and VMs. Once it's up and
there shouldn't be *that* much difference (other than me not having a
SAN or
some such).
I would install ESX (which ESXi is a free download). Why? Because that's the market demand. They won't say "have you installed vmware". They will ask if you have experience with VI or ESX.
There is a MAJOR difference between hosted vmware products and enterprise versions (ie esx / virtual infrastructure).
Ben Kevan
I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve. Let the chips fall where they may. - Fight Club
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