How simple do you need it? You could replicate with Mysql tools etc, or
I run a warm backup using a couple of mysql scripts. One to back it all
up, scp output to second server and do a mysql import, you need to
create the DB in mysql first.
This is the script I use :
MySQL Backup v3.1
by Peter Falkenberg Brown
Build Date: November 21, 2003
I am sure Google will tell you where to grab it.
Then just mysql db_name < script.sql - you probably need to add in
options for username etc...
Cron it for a delay and done!
Mad Unix wrote:
I need a script to take Multiple MySql DataBase Backup export Script for
Linux then import them to other server
to make them symmetric !
Neil Marjoram
Systems Manager
Adastral Park Campus
University College London
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Adastral Park
Martlesham Heath
Ipswich - Suffolk
Tel: 01473 663711
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