I'm recently faced very strange problem on PAM service on RHEL 4. I had
to to allow user1 user2 and user3 to login only between 9 AM to 17 PM
everyday. To do this I did the following:
1) vi /etc/security/time.conf
login;*;user1|user2| user3;Al0900-1700
2) vi /etc/pam.d/login
account required pam_time.so
This setting prevented user1 user2 and user3 to login to the system
other than 9AM to 17 PM. But the strange thing happened is All the users
with the name matching "user{1,2,3}" for example user10, user15, user19,
user100, user110, user20, user200, user30, user300 are also denied to
login other than 9AM to 17Pm.
What is wrong here and how to solve this.
Why /etc/nologin also prevents the root user to login. I think this has
to deny only non-root user. please help me to sort it out.
Thank you for your help.
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