I have a problem in accessing Internet. I have an Intel machine, running Linux, amongst 20 sparc machines running solaris. The IP address of my machine is As mentioned earlier there are number of other machines, they are all sparc. A sparc machine, IP address can access Internet. But my machine (Linux) cannot access Internet. When I run browser on my machine, it keeps thinking and thinking and then gives a timeed out message. Whole of this subnet is accessing Internet through a Proxy Server ( We are running Windows Proxy Server. I checked up routing table of Sparc. It no where mentiones about the defaul route. On Linux machine, I have given it default route with gateway as My own idea(wild) is that may be, Proxy server is configured to store certain hardware address and since my Linux machine hardware address is not in its list, threfore, it is not allowing it access. Any ideas, how to access Internet through my machine. I am using Redhat 8.0. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25¢ http://photos.yahoo.com/ph/print_splash -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list