Here's what I found to get it working: 1. Downgrade the BIOS from A03 to A02. 2. In the BIOS, set the video memory from 1 MB to 8 MB All is okay after that. I saw various information on a linux board but this appears to work. A03 sets the video memory to 1 MB... ----- Ryan Golhar Analyst II The Informatics Institute at The University of Medicine & Dentistry of NJ Phone: 973-972-5034 Fax: 973-972-7412 Email: golharam@xxxxxxxxx -----Original Message----- From: redhat-list-admin@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:redhat-list-admin@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Edward Dekkers Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 7:57 PM To: redhat-list@xxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Dell GX270 / Intel 865 Graphics Cards / XFree86 4.3.0 Ryan Golhar wrote: > I'm running into a problem getting X-Windows to run with a decent > resolution on a Dell GX 270 with the Intel 865 Graphics Cards (64 MB > video ram). The Intel 865 chipset is not a graphics card per-se. It is a graphics controller built onto the motherboard for basic graphics. It has some 3D capability, and I've seen DVDs run quite smoothly with hardware acceleration, however, it is definitely a lower end video solution. Even a $60 (AUS) GeForce 4 performs better. Having said that, I have seen it easily handle 1024 x 768 at 32 bit under Windows. Therefore it *IS* possible, and we're looking at one of two things in my opinion: 1> The XFree driver is not quite correct. 2> The 865G controller doesn't have enough memory allocated to it. For 1, I'm not sure - at this point check on the XFree site to say what is said about it. I'm sure there will be something about it as you won't be the only person in the world using this controller. For the future, I'm actually a GID, and have been told that Linux driver development for the Intel chipset will co-incide completely with Windows driver development. It will initially not be open source, more like an NVidia binary type driver, but this is certainly a milestone. I repeat for everybody's benefit: Intel will commit to developing Linux drivers at the same time as Windows drivers. This is something that has been sadly lacking, but I'm certainly relieved it will finally be happening. For 2, check your BIOS again. From memory the controller takes system memory as needed (yes the 865G chipset is SMA (Shared Memory Architecture), this means it can take from 1 to 64Mb of your system RAM depending on the situation), but there is a possibility you actually need to set the allocated RAM in the BIOS. I have seen messages regarding the BIOS revision and tried > flashing the BIOS with A02 and A01 with no luck. Right now, I have 3 > machines (all identical) with one BIOS being A01, another A02, and the > third A03. These must be DELL BIOS revisions. Maybe they are running a proprietary Intel Chipset board. Genuine Intel BIOS revision are usually P01..P<whatever>. Therefore, I cannot give any hints as to what to set in the BIOS. You may have to check with DELL. > > I can only get 1024x768 with 8 bit color depth running. Anything > higher gives the error "No Video BIOS modes for chosen depth". I'm > running Enterprise Workstation v3. Does anyone know how to fix this? That's all I can give you Ryan, good luck. P.S. I've seen this discussion before on this list. You may want to check the archives to see whether this issue was resolved in the previous case? There is always the possibility of adding a cheap NVidia card if you have an AGP slot on that board? Regards, Ed. -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe