On Sun, 2003-12-14 at 18:54, Ed Wilts wrote: > On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 01:42:03PM -0600, Michael Sullivan wrote: > > I think this will work. I'd like to make daily and weekly backups. > > What i need to know now is how to change the file name of each new > > archive so that it doesn't write over the previous day's. Any ideas? > > Have a look at the multiple of options to the date command. Something > like this should work for you (thinking out loud without any testing): > DM=`date +%d%b` > tar zcf $DM.tar.gz <source> Michael, you have a really bad habit of starting new threads using existing subject lines. Please start new threads with original posts and pertinent subjects. That said, here's a script I use for weekly backups to tape. On Monday, it does a full backup to tape. Tuesday through Saturday, it does a differential backup of any files changed in the last 24 hours. On Sunday, it does another differential backup and rewinds/ejects the tape. #!/bin/bash YESTERDAY=`date +'%d %b %Y'` DIRS="/etc /home /root /var" START=`date +%s` echo "*** Starting Backup - `date` ***" if [ `mt -f /dev/nst0 status | grep -c ONLINE` == 0 ]; then # Drive not ready echo "Drive is OFFLINE, exiting!" exit 1; fi find $DIRS -type s > /tmp/backup-sockets.list if [ `date +%u` == 1 ]; then # It's Monday, let's erase and do full backup! mt -f /dev/st0 rewind mt -f /dev/st0 retension mt -f /dev/st0 erase tar cpf /dev/nst0 $DIRS -P -W -X /tmp/backup-sockets.list elif [ `date +%u` == 7 ]; then # EOW, let's do an incremental and eject # Let's do verbose on the incrementals tar cpf /dev/nst0 --newer "$YESTERDAY" $DIRS -P -W -X /tmp/backup-sockets.list mt -f /dev/st0 rewoffl; else # Let's do an incremental backup # Let's do verbose on the incrementals tar cpf /dev/nst0 --newer "$YESTERDAY" $DIRS -P -W -X /tmp/backup-sockets.list fi echo "*** Backup Complete - `date` ***" END=`date +%s` DIFF=$((END - START)) echo echo -n "***** Total Run Time: " HRS=`expr $DIFF / 3600` MIN=`expr $DIFF % 3600 / 60` SEC=`expr $DIFF % 3600 % 60` if [ $HRS -gt 0 ]; then echo -n "$HRS hrs " fi if [ $MIN -gt 0 ]; then echo -n "$MIN mins " fi if [ $SEC -gt 0 ]; then echo -n "$SEC secs " fi echo " *****" echo echo -- Jason Dixon, RHCE DixonGroup Consulting http://www.dixongroup.net -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list