Hi Harish,
You need to investigate what’s called UPnP (Universal Plug ‘n’ Play).
I know that to get any File Transfer or Voice Communications working through MSN @ home I needed to update the bios of my router so that it would support UPnP. I don’t know exactly how you would work around this while still keeping the network secure when you are using a software firewall. I know there is a lot of debate about the security of UPnP in ANY implementation.
It’s mainly a problem with NAT, since there are a whole bunch of machines behind your single IP address, there is no way for a public machine to send a file to a local machine. You can’t simply do NAT port forwarding because different machines behind your firewall require that same port depending on who is receiving the file/voice transfer. Which is the whole reason that M$ created UPnP in the first place.
I hope that helps.
-----Original Message-----
Hi All,
I am using a Linux server for my Internet cafe, I have used IPtables (rc.firewall-2.4) for forawrding all traffic and squid for HTTP requests. The server is doing great,everything works like IMs,Voice applications like Net2phone etc etc, accept that I have problems with MSN Voice Chat, I understand this is bcos MSN is using the HTTP settings?I assume this as I see the mssgs of MSN access in /var/log/squid/access.log wheras for the other stuff I dont see that simply bcos the packets are getting forwarded. Read the mssgs on squid mailing lists and seen that some ppl have had this same problem but no solution.Any pointers in this regard wil be appreciated.
Harish Sabnani |