Okay since I last wrote about messing up my server
with a Chroot jail, things have definately changed.
I installed RH9 and put it on an IBM Netvista 866
w/384Mg Ram /proc/kcore shows 401477632 Oct 28 11:53 /proc/kcore..... Vs RH8.0
on a junker 450 w/320Mg Ram
All is running well but I do have one
question.....maybe it was this way in RH 8.0, I never noticed, but I'm pretty
sure I would have noticed an open errant port not assigned to
netstat -taup shows a UDP port open by XINETD (BY
the way, I"m not running anything with xinetd).......I first noticed it because
the CHKROOTKIT bawled out an alert when the XINETD port was running on
1008 ... now it's on 923....has been on 979.....etc.....moves when I
restart Xinetd.....is this the result of running xinetd as xinetd -stayalive
-pidfile /var/run/xinetd.pid
thus keeping a UDP port open to support the PID????? Brett