I have installed RedHat 8.0 and i've trying to use
it as a ntp server for my switches. I configured the ntp.conf and it is seems to
working as a daemon at least. First i have been trying to allow sync only for
another machine with windows xp, but when i try to sync from the xp machine
(home version) it tells me the following error message:
An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing
with The time sample was rejected because: The peer's stratum is
less than the host's stratum.
I tried to sync XP with stratum 1 and stratum 2
public servers and it seems to work fine. My guess is that somehow the stratum
of the Linux box is less than the windows box requires. I want to change redhat
in a stratum 2 server so xp can sync from it.
I do not really care that much about the exact
time, i just want to have the same time in my network. An maybe some one can
give me a clue how to start ntp daemon without having to connect to to internet,
but just with the local clock
The following is the ntp.conf file
server time.nist.gov
restrict // which is the
name of XP machine
driftfile /etc/ntp/ntp.drift
resolver /etc/ntp/ntpres
keys /etc/ntp/ntp.keys
restrict default ignore
any help is appreciated
Thanks !