I have a problem which i can't solve and don't know how to.
I have the redhat linux 9 partition and a FAT32(F: in windows) partition, i also have windows on a different partition(C:). There is only files and folders on the F: drive.
THE PROBLEM After mounting the F: . The permissions are as follows:
OWNER(root): rwe GROUP : r-e USERS : r-e or drwer-er-e
As you can see, only the root user can write to this mounted partition.
When i log in as root, i can not change this permissions so that i can write to it as a normal user(which is what im trying to achieve).
I am using the GUI, i've also tried chmod in a terminal.
The error message i get says i do not have permission to change the permissions even when im logged in as root!
Is there any way i change the permissions so i can write to it as a user? Owner of the /mnt/vfat is the root user.
SOME OTHER INFO I am the only user using linux at home. Two user accounts which is my own and root. Dual-Boot PC (Win and Linux). Physical location of F: drive /hda/hda8. Redhat 9 Owner of the /mnt/vfat is the root user. I am a begineer who is learning. (please dont get really technical)
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