On 5/13/11 7:40 PM, Roman Mamedov wrote:
On Fri, 13 May 2011 19:32:23 +0200
Christopher White<linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I forgot to mention that I've also tried "sudo fdisk /dev/md1" and
creating two partitions that way. It fails too.
This leads me to conclude that /dev/md1 was never created in
partitionable mode and that the kernel refuses to create anything beyond
a single partition on it.
Did you try running "blockdev --rereadpt /dev/md1"?
Hmm. Hmmmm. One more for good measure: Hmmmmmmm.
That's weird! Here's the thing: Fdisk is *just* for creating the
partitions, not formatting them, so for that one it makes sense that you
must re-read the partition table before you have a partition device to
execute "mkfs.XXX" on.
However, Gparted on the other hand is BOTH for creating partition tables
AND for executing the "make filesystem" commands (formatting).
Therefore, Gparted is supposed to tell the kernel about partition table
changes BEFORE trying to access the partitions it just created.
Basically, Gparted goes: Blank disk, create partition table, create
partitions, notify OS to re-scan the table, THEN access the new
partition devices and format them. But instead, it skips the "notify OS"
part when working with md-arrays!
When you use Gparted on PHYSICAL hard disks, it properly creates the
partition table and the OS is updated to immediately see the new
partition devices, to allow them to be formatted.
Therefore, what this has shown is that the necessary procedure in
Gparted is:
* sudo gparted /dev/md1
* Create the partition table (gpt for instance)
* Create as many partitions as you need BUT SET THEIR TYPE TO
"unformatted" (extremely important).
* Go back to a terminal and execute "sudo blockdev --rereadpt /dev/md1"
to let the kernel see the new partition devices
* Now go back to the Gparted and format the partitions, or just do it
the CLI way with mkfs.ext4 manually. Either way, it will now work.
So how should we sum up this problem? Well, that depends. What is
responsible for auto-discovering the new partitions when you use Gparted
on a PHYSICAL disk (which works perfectly without manual re-scan
commands)? 1) Is it Gparted telling the kernel to re-scan, or 2) is it
the kernel that auto-watches physical disks for changes?
If 1), it means Gparted needs a bug fix to tell the kernel to re-scan
the partition table for md-arrays when you re-partition them.
If 2), it means the kernel doesn't watch md-arrays for partition table
changes, which debatably it should be doing.
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