Re: Performance question, RAID5

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On 29 January 2011 23:26, CoolCold <coolthecold@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> You may need to increase stripe cache size
> On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 1:48 AM, Mathias BurÃn <mathias.buren@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm wondering if the performance I'm getting is OK or if there's
>> something I can do about it. Also, where the potential bottlenecks
>> are.
>> Setup: 6x2TB HDDs, their performance:
>> /dev/sdb:
>> ÂTiming cached reads: Â 1322 MB in Â2.00 seconds = 661.51 MB/sec
>> ÂTiming buffered disk reads: 362 MB in Â3.02 seconds = 120.06 MB/sec
>> /dev/sdc:
>> ÂTiming cached reads: Â 1282 MB in Â2.00 seconds = 641.20 MB/sec
>> ÂTiming buffered disk reads: 342 MB in Â3.01 seconds = 113.53 MB/sec
>> /dev/sdd:
>> ÂTiming cached reads: Â 1282 MB in Â2.00 seconds = 640.55 MB/sec
>> ÂTiming buffered disk reads: 344 MB in Â3.00 seconds = 114.58 MB/sec
>> /dev/sde:
>> ÂTiming cached reads: Â 1328 MB in Â2.00 seconds = 664.46 MB/sec
>> ÂTiming buffered disk reads: 350 MB in Â3.01 seconds = 116.37 MB/sec
>> /dev/sdf:
>> ÂTiming cached reads: Â 1304 MB in Â2.00 seconds = 651.55 MB/sec
>> ÂTiming buffered disk reads: 378 MB in Â3.01 seconds = 125.62 MB/sec
>> /dev/sdg:
>> ÂTiming cached reads: Â 1324 MB in Â2.00 seconds = 661.91 MB/sec
>> ÂTiming buffered disk reads: 400 MB in Â3.00 seconds = 133.15 MB/sec
>> These are used in a RAID5 setup:
>> Personalities : [raid6] [raid5] [raid4]
>> md0 : active raid5 sdf1[0] sdg1[6] sde1[5] sdc1[3] sdd1[4] sdb1[1]
>> Â Â Â9751756800 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [6/6] [UUUUUU]
>> unused devices: <none>
>> /dev/md0:
>> Â Â Â ÂVersion : 1.2
>> ÂCreation Time : Tue Oct 19 08:58:41 2010
>> Â Â Raid Level : raid5
>> Â Â Array Size : 9751756800 (9300.00 GiB 9985.80 GB)
>> ÂUsed Dev Size : 1950351360 (1860.00 GiB 1997.16 GB)
>> Â Raid Devices : 6
>> ÂTotal Devices : 6
>> Â ÂPersistence : Superblock is persistent
>> Â ÂUpdate Time : Fri Jan 28 14:55:48 2011
>> Â Â Â Â ÂState : clean
>> ÂActive Devices : 6
>> Working Devices : 6
>> ÂFailed Devices : 0
>> ÂSpare Devices : 0
>> Â Â Â Â Layout : left-symmetric
>> Â Â Chunk Size : 64K
>> Â Â Â Â Â Name : ion:0 Â(local to host ion)
>> Â Â Â Â Â UUID : e6595c64:b3ae90b3:f01133ac:3f402d20
>> Â Â Â Â Events : 3035769
>>  ÂNumber  Major  Minor  RaidDevice State
>>    0    8    81    Â0   Âactive sync  /dev/sdf1
>>    1    8    17    Â1   Âactive sync  /dev/sdb1
>>    4    8    49    Â2   Âactive sync  /dev/sdd1
>>    3    8    33    Â3   Âactive sync  /dev/sdc1
>>    5    8    65    Â4   Âactive sync  /dev/sde1
>>    6    8    97    Â5   Âactive sync  /dev/sdg1
>> As you can see they are partitioned. They are all identical like this:
>> Disk /dev/sdb: 2000.4 GB, 2000398934016 bytes
>> 81 heads, 63 sectors/track, 765633 cylinders, total 3907029168 sectors
>> Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
>> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
>> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
>> Disk identifier: 0x0e5b3a7a
>>  Device Boot   ÂStart     End   ÂBlocks  Id ÂSystem
>> /dev/sdb1 Â Â Â Â Â Â2048 Â3907029167 Â1953513560 Â fd ÂLinux raid autodetect
>> On this I run LVM:
>> Â--- Physical volume ---
>> ÂPV Name        /dev/md0
>> ÂVG Name        lvstorage
>> ÂPV Size        9.08 TiB / not usable 1.00 MiB
>> ÂAllocatable      yes (but full)
>> ÂPE Size        1.00 MiB
>> ÂTotal PE Â Â Â Â Â Â Â9523199
>> ÂFree PE Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 0
>> ÂAllocated PE Â Â Â Â Â9523199
>> ÂPV UUID Â Â Â Â Â Â Â YLEUKB-klxF-X3gF-6dG3-DL4R-xebv-6gKQc2
>> On top of the LVM I have:
>> Â--- Volume group ---
>> ÂVG Name        lvstorage
>> ÂSystem ID
>> ÂFormat        Âlvm2
>> ÂMetadata Areas    Â1
>> ÂMetadata Sequence No Â6
>> ÂVG Access       read/write
>> ÂVG Status       resizable
>> ÂCur LV Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â1
>> ÂOpen LV Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1
>> ÂMax PV Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â0
>> ÂCur PV Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â1
>> ÂAct PV Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â1
>> ÂVG Size        9.08 TiB
>> ÂPE Size        1.00 MiB
>> ÂTotal PE Â Â Â Â Â Â Â9523199
>> ÂAlloc PE / Size    9523199 / 9.08 TiB
>> ÂFree ÂPE / Size    0 / 0
>> ÂVG UUID Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Xd0HTM-azdN-v9kJ-C7vD-COcU-Cnn8-6AJ6hI
>> And in turn:
>> Â--- Logical volume ---
>> ÂLV Name        Â/dev/lvstorage/storage
>> ÂVG Name        Âlvstorage
>> ÂLV UUID Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â9wsJ0u-0QMs-lL5h-E2UA-7QJa-l46j-oWkSr3
>> ÂLV Write Access    Âread/write
>> ÂLV Status       Âavailable
>> Â# open         1
>> ÂLV Size        Â9.08 TiB
>> ÂCurrent LE Â Â Â Â Â Â 9523199
>> ÂSegments        1
>> ÂAllocation       inherit
>> ÂRead ahead sectors   auto
>> Â- currently set to   1280
>> ÂBlock device      254:1
>> And on that (sorry) there's the ext4 partition:
>> /dev/mapper/lvstorage-storage on /raid5volume type ext4
>> (rw,noatime,barrier=1,nouser_xattr)
>> Here are the numbers:
>> /raid5volume $ time dd if=/dev/zero of=./bigfile.tmp bs=1M count=8192
>> 8192+0 records in
>> 8192+0 records out
>> 8589934592 bytes (8.6 GB) copied, 94.0967 s, 91.3 MB/s
>> real  Â1m34.102s
>> user  Â0m0.107s
>> sys   0m54.693s
>> /raid5volume $ time dd if=./bigfile.tmp of=/dev/null bs=1M
>> 8192+0 records in
>> 8192+0 records out
>> 8589934592 bytes (8.6 GB) copied, 37.8557 s, 227 MB/s
>> real  Â0m37.861s
>> user  Â0m0.053s
>> sys   0m23.608s
>> I saw that the process md0_raid5 spike sometimes on CPU usage. This is
>> an Atom @ 1.6GHz, is that what is limiting the results? Here's
>> bonnie++:
>> /raid5volume/temp $ time bonnie++ -d ./ -m ion
>> Writing with putc()...done
>> Writing intelligently...done
>> Rewriting...done
>> Reading with getc()...done
>> Reading intelligently...done
>> start 'em...done...done...done...
>> Create files in sequential order...done.
>> Stat files in sequential order...done.
>> Delete files in sequential order...done.
>> Create files in random order...done.
>> Stat files in random order...done.
>> Delete files in random order...done.
>> Version 1.03e    ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random-
>> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â-Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
>> Machine    ÂSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP Â/sec %CP
>> ion       Â7G 13726 Â98 148051 Â87 68020 Â41 14547 Â99 286647
>> 61 404.1 Â 2
>> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create--------
>> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â-Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
>> Â Â Â Â Â Â Âfiles Â/sec %CP Â/sec %CP Â/sec %CP Â/sec %CP Â/sec %CP Â/sec %CP
>> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 16 20707 Â99 +++++ +++ 25870 Â99 21242 Â98 +++++ +++ 25630 100
>> ion,7G,13726,98,148051,87,68020,41,14547,99,286647,61,404.1,2,16,20707,99,+++++,+++,25870,99,21242,98,+++++,+++,25630,100
>> real  Â20m54.320s
>> user  Â16m10.447s
>> sys   2m45.543s
>> Thanks in advance,
>> // Mathias
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-raid" in
>> the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> More majordomo info at Â
> --
> Best regards,

I ran the benchmark found on the page (except for writes); results:

tripe_cache_size: 256 (1/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 63.4351 s, 271 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 256 (2/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 59.8224 s, 287 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 256 (3/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 62.1066 s, 277 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 512 (1/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 59.6833 s, 288 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 512 (2/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 60.3497 s, 285 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 512 (3/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 59.7853 s, 287 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 768 (1/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 59.5398 s, 288 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 768 (2/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 60.1769 s, 285 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 768 (3/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 60.5354 s, 284 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 1024 (1/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 60.1814 s, 285 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 1024 (2/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 61.6288 s, 279 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 1024 (3/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 61.9942 s, 277 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 2048 (1/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 61.177 s, 281 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 2048 (2/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 61.3905 s, 280 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 2048 (3/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 61.0274 s, 281 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 4096 (1/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 62.607 s, 274 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 4096 (2/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 63.1505 s, 272 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 4096 (3/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 61.4747 s, 279 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 8192 (1/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 62.0839 s, 277 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 8192 (2/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 62.7944 s, 274 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 8192 (3/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 61.4443 s, 280 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 16834 (1/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 61.9554 s, 277 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 16834 (2/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 63.8002 s, 269 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 16834 (3/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 62.2772 s, 276 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 32768 (1/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 62.4692 s, 275 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 32768 (2/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 61.6707 s, 279 MB/s
stripe_cache_size: 32768 (3/3)
5460+0 records in
5460+0 records out
17175674880 bytes (17 GB) copied, 63.4744 s, 271 MB/s

It looks like a small stripe cache is favoured here.

// Mathias
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