Robin, thanks for the explanation. I have a further question.
Robin Hill wrote:
Once the file system is mounted then hdX,Y maps according to the file (which may actually bear no resemblance to the drive
order at boot - I've had issues with this before). At boot time it maps
to the BIOS boot order though, and (in my experience anyway) hd0 will
always map to the drive the BIOS is booting from.
At the time that I use grub to write to the MBR, hd2,1 is /dev/sdc1.
Therefore, I don't quite understand why this would not work:
grub <<EOF
This would seem to be a command to have the MBR on hd2 written to use
the boot on hd2,1. It's valid when written. Are you saying that it's a
command for the MBR on /dev/sdc to find the data on (hd2,1), the
location of which might change at any time? That's... a very strange
way to write the tool. I thought it would be a command for the MBR on
hd2 (sdc) to look at hd2,1 (sdc1) to find its data, regardless of the
boot order that caused sdc to be the boot disk.
Moshe Yudkowsky * moshe@xxxxxxxxx *
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