Justin Piszcz wrote:
root 2206 1 4 Dec02 ? 00:10:37 dd if /dev/zero of
1.out bs 1M
root 2207 1 4 Dec02 ? 00:10:38 dd if /dev/zero of
2.out bs 1M
root 2208 1 4 Dec02 ? 00:10:35 dd if /dev/zero of
3.out bs 1M
root 2209 1 4 Dec02 ? 00:10:45 dd if /dev/zero of
4.out bs 1M
root 2210 1 4 Dec02 ? 00:10:35 dd if /dev/zero of
5.out bs 1M
root 2211 1 4 Dec02 ? 00:10:35 dd if /dev/zero of
6.out bs 1M
root 2212 1 4 Dec02 ? 00:10:30 dd if /dev/zero of
7.out bs 1M
root 2213 1 4 Dec02 ? 00:10:42 dd if /dev/zero of
8.out bs 1M
root 2214 1 4 Dec02 ? 00:10:35 dd if /dev/zero of
9.out bs 1M
root 2215 1 4 Dec02 ? 00:10:37 dd if /dev/zero of
10.out bs 1M
root 3080 24.6 0.0 10356 1672 ? D 01:22 5:51 dd if
/dev/md3 of /dev/null bs 1M
Was curious if when running 10 DD's (which are writing to the RAID 5)
fine, no issues, suddenly all go into D-state and let the read/give it
100% priority?
Is this normal?
I'm jumping back to the start of this thread, because after reading all
the discussion I noticed that you are mixing apples and oranges here.
Your write programs are going to files in the filesystem, and your read
is going against the raw device. That may explain why you see something
I haven't noticed doing all filesystem i/o.
I am going to do a large rsync to another filesystem in the next two
days, I will turn on some measurements when I do. But if you are just
investigating this behavior, perhaps you could retry with a single read
from a file rather than the device.
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
"Woe unto the statesman who makes war without a reason that will still
be valid when the war is over..." Otto von Bismark
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