Okay. I've verified my hardware (by doing large write/reads to non-raid file systems on each of the seven USB flash drives on the hub). So this morning I booted cold and began gathering log data. I'm sending it to you guys (you hsould know this) before looking at it myself. Here's the sequence: Cold boot Gnome login echo t > /proc/sysrq-trigger dmesg > dmesg-0-beforehub.log Attached hub with 7 drives dmesg > dmesg-1-afterhub.log mdadm --create /dev/md0 --auto=md --level=0 --raid-devices=7 /dev/sd? dmesg > dmesg-2-aftermdcreate.log mke2fs -b 4096 -R stride=16 /dev/md0 dmesg > dmesg-3-aftermkfs.log mount /dev/md0 /mnt cp -rv ~mschwarz/FUTURAMA_S2D2/* /mnt dmesg > dmesg-4-afterbigwrite.log cp -rv /mnt/* fs2d2/ At this point, the process hangs. So I ran: echo t > /proc/sysrq-trigger dmesg > dmesg-5-hungread.log ...in a different root window. All these operations were performed as root (in order to be as dangerous as possible -- actually, in order to reduce possible permissions issues; although I don't think there are any) All of these dmesg logs are attached in gzip format. I don't know what majordomo will do with those, but the cc's going directly to Alan and Neil should come through. I'm going to start combing these files myself, so if you guys want to save time, you can certainly give me a couple hours to get started! ;-) As always, I'm very grateful for your assistance and that of the group! -- Michael Schwarz > Yeah, I understand that. > > Sorry, I use squirrelmail. Pretty limited... > > I'll get you a "raw" dmseg output when I replicate the problem. >
Description: GNU Zip compressed data
Description: GNU Zip compressed data
Description: GNU Zip compressed data
Description: GNU Zip compressed data
Description: GNU Zip compressed data
Description: GNU Zip compressed data