Laurent CARON wrote:
We are in the process of increasing the size our RAID Arrays as our storage needs increase.
Hi, I'm no expert but I'll bounce some thoughts back at you...
I've got 2 solutions for this:
- Copy the data over a new array and replace the disks
sane and minimal risk of data loss since you don't delete data until the new one is up.
quickest solution (in manpower, elapsed time and system outages)
doesn't test Neils grow mode in mdadm (without which none of this would be possible)
- Replace each disk (one after the other(after resync)) of the existing array with a bigger one.
and the corollorary of sane would be... <joke>
This seems like it would work with mdadm's shiny new(?) grow command.
Start: - Array is ok - Remove 1 disk - Array is degraded - Add a bigger disk - Resync - Remove another disk - Array is degraded - Add a bigger disk - Resync .....
It looks from the man page like you use the grow command *after* changing out all the disks; yes?
Shiny and new means you need a reliable backup.
And this is likely to be slow - 1 resync per disk - and needs a system shutdown/outage for each disk swapped (assuming not hot-swap-able)
If you do have hot-swap then this seems like quite a nice option (no outages)
Mad speculative question ... Would doing this work: - add new big disk - mdadm --remove a disk - dd if=<removed disk> of=<new disk> - mdadm -add new disk? - remove small disk
if so it'd be a lot quicker than a resync each time...
Would this be the 'state of the art' way ?
Have you seen EVMS? It has the ability to add devices to a raid5 array.
I'd class that as state of the art since you aren't 'throwing away' the smaller disks.
Will the filesystem cope with it?
yes assuming it has a growfs.
Is my mind completely broken?
not yet - let us know after you try it...
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