I use audio via ear buds for phone calls on my laptop. As part of my routine, I hibernate my laptop (fedora 30) nightly. So every morning I unplug and plug back in my ear buds. Nothing else I do has the same effect. If I do not do this the audio out level is low, and no CLI approach to fix this worked for me. Eventually I may wear out the jack, and it is "just one more thing" I have to do daily. Is there a programatic way to get the same effect? Also, I have to go into pavucontrol to manually change the system to use the headset microphone. Finally I run a bash function '_sr' ( as in "sound reset" / see after my sig ) to unmute, and ensure that the levels for headphone mic and output are correct. I'm sure that the '_sr()' needs fixup, but it does help me. Any constructive tips appreciated! -- thanks!, Tom --- $ type _sndrst _sndmasteron _sndcaptureon _sndheadsetmic_select _rectst _rectest; : My bash functions /needs work/. _sndrst is a function _sndrst () { : personal function, _func_ok2unset_; ( : :sound reset:_sndreset:sound levels : TODO unmute all; set -e; ( set -xeu; _sndmasteron; _sndcaptureon ); echo; _sndheadsetmic_select; echo; : Volume: 41944 =~ -11.6dB; ( set -x; amixer cset "numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback Volume'" 41944 ); echo; ( set -x; amixer cset "numid=1,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Volume'" 26870 ); echo; ( set -x; amixer cset "numid=2,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Switch'" on ); echo; ( set -x; amixer -c 1 cset "numid=9,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Switch'" on ); echo; ( set -x; amixer -c 1 cset "numid=12,iface=MIXER,name='Internal Mic Boost Volume'" 0 ); echo ); return; : end '_sndrst()' } _sndmasteron is a function _sndmasteron () { : personal function, _func_ok2unset_ :sound:amixer:unmute mic; <<'____eohd' https://askubuntu.com/questions/65764/how-do-i-toggle-sound-with-amixer https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/496354 ____eohd ( set -e; set -o pipefail; if amixer -D pulse get Master | fgrep --color=auto -q '[off]'; then amixer -D pulse set Master 1+ toggle; fi ); return; : end: '_sndmasteron()' } _sndcaptureon is a function _sndcaptureon () { : personal function, _func_ok2unset_ :sound:amixer:unmute mic; <<'____eohd' https://askubuntu.com/questions/65764/how-do-i-toggle-sound-with-amixer ____eohd ( set -e; set -o pipefail; if amixer -D pulse get Capture | fgrep --color=auto -q '[off]'; then amixer -D pulse set Capture 1+ toggle; fi ); return; : end: '_sndcaptureon()' } _sndheadsetmic_select is a function _sndheadsetmic_select () { : personal function, _func_ok2unset_; ( set -x; amixer -c 1 cset "numid=7,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Source'" 1; amixer -c 1 cset "numid=12,iface=MIXER,name='Internal Mic Boost Volume'" 0 ); return; : end: '_sndheadsetmic_select()' } _rectst is a function _rectst () { : personal function, _func_ok2unset_; _rectest "$@" } _rectest is a function _rectest () { : personal function, _func_ok2unset_; ( <<'____eohd' SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION Tips: alsamixer for levels, pavucontrol for vu mic meter and speaker vu meter. Also consider echo test - see Contact "phonetest". TAGS :record test:sound test ____eohd seconds=${1:-4} : Fractional seconds not ok.; set -xeu; arecord -d $seconds /tmp/test-mic.wav; aplay /tmp/test-mic.wav ); : end '_rectest()' } $ _______________________________________________ pulseaudio-discuss mailing list pulseaudio-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/pulseaudio-discuss