Thanks for the latency suggestions. We added those patches to pulseaudio
12.2 and it's working well.
Now I'm trying to map the correct alsa mixer for pulseaudio volume
control. I tried setting PlaybackMixerElem element but it doesn't seem
to be affecting the alsa mixer.
purism@pureos:~$ amixer -c 1 sget Speaker
Simple mixer control 'Speaker',0
Capabilities: volume pswitch
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: 0 - 127
Front Left: 122 [96%] [1.00dB] Playback [on]
Front Right: 122 [96%] [1.00dB] Playback [off]
I tried setting it to
PlaybackMixerElem "name='Speaker Volume'"
PlaybackMixerElem "Speaker Volume"
and neither seemed to affect the alsa mixer volume. Am I setting the
wrong ucm_id or am I setting it incorrectly ?
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