On 29.01.2018 12:52, Nico wrote: > Hi, > I want to capture the audio stream of my TV with my PCI-E Toslink sound > card and play it back on my usb XLR soundcard. The reason why I do that > is to use my own music boxes rather than the TV speakers. With toslink + > XLR I do not have problems with ground loops etc. > > I am using the pulseaudio loopback module with its default > configuration. The problem is, that the delay between picture and sound > is about one second off, and the longer I wait, the more delay it gets > (30 seconds and more). It is no usable like this. > > I tried to play with the latencies of source, sink and the tv delay > itself without sucess. I also tried streaming with pacat directly as > described here: > https://thelinuxexperiment.com/fix-pulseaudio-loopback-delay/ > > I also tried to change different parameters of the loopback module or > the sources/sinks, but that did not help. I never changed any global > pulseaudio config to avoid larger configuration issues. The CPU usage of > pulseaudio is at 3% with the loopback module > > Can anyone help me to get rid of this lag? > Hi Nico, which version of PA are you using? Can you provide logs? Regards             Georg