Hello, While working on the previously posted patch, I've noticed (it was about time!) a little "Advanced" section in my internal sound card's Output Device entry in pavucontrol. Clicking it I discovered a latency offset setter. I thought that would be ideal to have that in RAOP sinks too, and started investigating why it's grayed out on the RAOP sink Output device entry. I discovered that the sink needs to have one or more "ports" for that, and added one to raop-sink, which enabled the Advanced section in the RAOP sink in pavucontrol. But changing the setting did nothing, and after lots of gdb breakpoint setting, I noticed that in the method DeviceWidget::onOffsetChange() of pavucontrol, we return early because offsetButtonEnabled == false. This is because offsetButtonEnabled is set to false when the deviceWidget is constructed, and then set to true later when DeviceWidget::setLatencyOffset() is called. It's called from mainwindow.cc::updatePorts() only if ports.find(w->activePort) != ports.end(). I'm not sure I understand correctly, but it looks like to me setLatencyOffset() is only called if the sink has more than one port? I would love if someone could enlighten me: did I understand the pavucontrol code correctly? Is there a reason for that or does that look like a bug? Ideally, if I manage to finish that patch, I'd plug the RAOP latency offset into sink->port_latency_offset, and the value would show in pavucontrol, and it would be changeable at runtime. Thanks a lot in advance! -- Colin