[PATCH v4 00/23] webrtc echo canceller update

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On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 09:37:19AM +0530, Arun Raghavan wrote:
> > 
> > > from v1:
> > > Patch 1-3: Update code for the changed API and use some new features
> After updating the webrtc AudioProcessing code (http://arunraghavan.net
> /2015/10/psa-breaking-webrtc-audio-processing-api/), this makes sure
> we're using the API correctly, and then exposes a couple of new
> features (an extended filter where you are willing to sacrifice some
> latency/processing for accuracy, and an intelligibility enhancer which
> is disabled till we can fix our infrastructure to support it).

Suddenly the world makes a whole lotta sense after reading the
blog article and description above ;-)

> > > Patch 21-24: Add beamforing support
> This adds the ability to use webrtc's beamformer, which can take
> multichannel capture (and a description of the mic geometry), and use
> that to "focus" the mic in a given direction, reducing (in software)
> noise from either side.
> For example, my laptop has two mics to either side of the webcam, and
> this could be useful there (for this to actually work generically, we
> would need to expose a way for users to tell us what their mic geometry
> looks like for each device -- which will hopefully one day be possible
> via our configuration API).

Thanks a lot for describing 'beamforming' and its relation to
pulse. Didn't know any of that before, too :-)

> I hope this is helpful. Please do ask questions if something is unclear
> or needs more explanation (I'll try to write up a more detailed summary
> for general consumption as well).

Very very helpful. Yup, PulseAudio is quite big indeed and it
probably needs a guide, something like the FreeBSD handbook, [*]
on its own!

[*] https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/

Thanks again,


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