Hello, I have been fighting with PA and various SIP desktop clients (and the view is rather disappointing); it's not your topic anyway. However I have been fighting with Linphone with close to no success. I am pretty sure that they initialise their streams with buggy values but still the result may be a bit of PA's fault. The effect: I set PA as linphone's output. This results perfect capture (mic is working fine) but no sound output: total silence. Even for the ringtone test. Watching pavucontrol I see that the channel (sink) is opened and that it doesn't seem to have any data to output. Accidentally, however, I pressed the button with "Built-in Audio Analog Stereo" and selected the other sink, which is combined for the same, and immediately the sound started to be hearable. After a long session of wild-guessing whats' what in PA I guess I have found at least something analogous with the problem: when the sound is silent paman (pa manager) says that the latency is 92777 us which equals to buffer: 0 us + sink: 92777 us. This "buffer: 0 µs" didn't look quite promising, and indeed when I have changed sink in pavucontrol (from normal to combine or vice versa) the buffer latency pops up to 30000 us or around and the sound starts. My guess is - based on the plenthora of PA problems on the net - that the channel was opened with some nonsense latency requirement which make PA silent, but why does it start to work after switching sinks? Maybe PA was sanitising internal stuff? Anyway. First, it would be nice to be able to tell the linphone guys what they should fix. I'm not knowledgeable enough in PA for that. Second, maybe this "user error" could be prevented by forcing sane values on channels, or log an INFORMATIVE warning or something along this line? (I guess that this is not a "bug" of PA, but maybe it is.) Thanks for your input in advance, Peter ps: I'd appreciate a cc on me. I may not follow the list closely. But please reply to the list as well to make it possible to google the solution.