Hi, In addition to the "Linux Audio Mini Summit" that Takashi announced recently (which focuses more on ALSA topics), we will also have a "PulseAudio miniconference" in the same conference center, day after the ALSA event. The PulseAudio event will be on Wednesday, starting at 14:00. Registering isn't mandatory, but if we run out of seats, those who were fastest to register will get preference. More details are in the wiki: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Events/2014_Dusseldorf/ We don't yet have discussion topics for the miniconference, so if you plan to attend, topic ideas would be very welcome! Send them to the list, and I'll collect them to the wiki. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send them to the list or privately to me. See you in D?sseldorf! -- Tanu