Hi all, I'm trying to setup my xubuntu machine to play through the speakers connected to TonidoPlug via some no-brand usb sound card. This mostly works, but I have some issues I'd like to correct if there's a way to do that. Right now means: - I can play music from banshee without any issues - I can play sound from a movie from mplayer with slight buffering issue which doesn't bother me much (video slows down, audio seems to start after a moment, then video catches up and they continue in sync - all happens within the first second or two of playback, then everything's fine) What I have problems with is sound from browser / flash playing an mp4 file. While it works, it's really jittery and actually the jitter affects also the video playback. I'd blame flash normally, but if I switch the output during playback from remote pulseaudio to the local one, it starts working smoothly again. Also changing fragment settings from 4 / 25 to: default-fragments = 8 default-fragment-size-msec = 5 made the playback slightly closer to what it should be (it's constantly slightly skipping tiny bits, instead of having longer play/pause fragments that I can hear) - I guess the values are fine since I'm doing that on the local network anyway. First potential issue I've noticed is that the destination system doesn't seem to support any high-precision timers: "pulseaudio[1962]: alsa-util.c: Disabling timer-based scheduling because high-resolution timers are not available from the kernel." But since mplayer can manage without much issues, I'd expect the sound from flash to be comparable. Second strange thing I noticed was when I had a quick look at the actual transfer on the network. Wireshark claims that I'm sending about 250kBps+ while playing sound. For a two channel playback... This doesn't seem right. Even with default sampling of 44kHz * 2ch * 2B == 176kBps of raw data. Even with protocol overhead I wouldn't expect this to go over 200kBps. Transfer seems to have an uneven pattern of 7+ packets of max MTU (1500), then about the same number of short 60-70 bytes ones. Without much knowledge of the protocol, I can't say if that's correct, but it definitely doesn't look healthy... - just thought it's worth mentioning in case it indicates some real issue. Is there something specific I should check? Anything I could try that may improve playback from flash? Thanks for any ideas. Client side pulseaudio: 1.1-0ubuntu15 Server side pulseaudio: 0.9.21-3+squeeze1 (this one I can't easily update unfortunately), playing into alsa via snd-usb-audio. Using the module-native-protocol-tcp module + discovery via zeroconf. I added also resample-method = trivial in case it could reduce the processing time - I don't think it had any effect. -- KTHXBYE, Stanis?aw Pitucha