Hi. Can you play 5.1 sound via ALSA, i.e. with "mplayer -channels 6 -ao alsa:device=hw=1.0"? Also, share output of "pacmd list-sinks." On 16.04.12 19:40, Robert M. Albrecht wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to install the Terratec 6Fire USB audio device. It's an > external audio device with several analog in & output channels. > > The alsa-driver is running and I can play analog stereo music or movies > on pulseaudio based players. > > I can output digital sound (ac3 or dts) on spdif via optical with vlc > and mplayer. > > But I can't output analog multichannel sound from flac files or movies. > Although alsamixer can access all 6 analog output channels, pulseaudio > does not see them.