Hello folks, I am recently trying to use PA over the network and am encountering a major problem: The sound is stuttering a lot and is full if tiny lags (it sometimes appears as if the song is played back with a lower speed). After a bit of investigation ([1], [2]) it seems to be related to my WLAN. It's a private b/g-type WLAN so bandwidth should be sufficient. And indeed connecting the server (a laptop running debian wheezy) via wire improves the situation a bit. But it's still not acceptable. I cannot connect the client via wire as it's a tablet PC (HP Touchpad with debian wheezy chroot). Do you have any hints why PA performs so bad on WLAN? And is there anything I can do about it? I did make sure it's not a "out of CPU power problem" on the client or server. I also tried realtime scheduling (although this is not a -rt linux kernel). Perhaps I can adjust some buffer sizes? I'm perfectly willing to give up latency if it makes the stuttering go away. Thank you a lot in advance! Best regards. [1]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/273742 [2]: http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/366 <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/366>