Hey folks, We've seen discussions a number of times on IRC about this, and now that 1.0's out the door, this might be a good time to consider this. The current default resampler is speex-float-3, which is on lower-end on highly loaded systems can be problematic (cause an underrun flood, f.ex.). The current choice among distributions seems to be between speex-float-0 (~2.5-3x faster) and speex-float-1 (~2-2.5x faster). On embedded systems people might plug in something lighter still (like the ffmpeg resampler). Qualitatively speaking, I can't really perceive the difference between speex-float-1 and speex-float-3. Might be a good idea to perform some blind trials, though. So any objections to moving to speex-float-1 as the default? -- Arun