Hello everyone, First a big thank you for a quality piece of software. I am a first time user and am amazed at the flexiblity that PA provides. I installed PA because I wanted to have better integration of my Bluetooth headset and works perfectly. Running Debian Squeeze (stable) with Kernel 3.0.1 Now I have three issues which I hope someone can point me to a possible solution. On my Lenovo X201 laptop with Intel HDA I do see a heavy increase in power consumption when I activate pulseaudio. The system is already optimised so without pulseaudio it will idle at 6-9W with wifi on, with pulseaudio started it will jump to 13W. No pulseaudio client connected (no sound played) Averaged battery reading every 5s 1267000 1311000 1330000 1347000 <- here pa-suspender is started 1192000 1091000 986000 952000 943000 988000 970000 943000 I have already optimised the PA setup for my needs (e.g. low quality resampling-method), so I investigated further: