On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 23:03 +0800, Lin, Mengdong wrote: > Many thanks for your information! > > > A monitor source is just a device that you can record from (just like a > > mic). It will contain the same data that is playing on the device. > > Could you give me more information on how to use the monitor source? > I want to capture the data playing on the Bluetooth sink after GTalk input stream is connected to the sink. Can I do this by using pacmd? You can capture the data with any recording program. pacmd isn't a recording program so no, you can't do it with pacmd. If you want to use the PA tools, you can use parec: parec --device=bluez_sink.XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX.monitor --fix-format --fix-rate --fix-channels > bt_audio.raw The device parameter is the name of the source - you can check the available sources with pacmd or pactl. The one that starts with "bluez_sink." and ends with ".monitor" is the monitor source for the BT sink. Check the man page for pacat (parec is an alias of pacat, and at least my system doesn't give anything if I try "man parec" but "man pacat" works) to understand the rest of the parameters - they are not mandatory, but in this use case you probably want them. -- Tanu