Hi, I am trying to figure out why PulseAudio daemon drops a few samples from time to time. I got a few null sinks combined with each other by loopbacks. Then my applications gather sound from their .monitors. Sounds simple. I quickly came to idea that running PulseAudio in RT mode could help. I encountered a lot of problems, because: - my PA daemons are started at the boot time (but as normal users!) and start-stop-daemon know nothing about /etc/security/limits.conf, so I got troubles with setting limits for them without setting RT limits for the whole system, - PA daemon tries to communicate to rtkit and rtkit tries to communicate to PolicyKit which becomes the next dependency for me etc... During the process I started to investigate pulseaudio & rtkit source code and I found something strange. e.g. combine module tries to acquire realtime priority during thread initialization: static void thread_func(void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; pa_assert(u); pa_log_debug("Thread starting up"); if (u->core->realtime_scheduling) pa_make_realtime(u->core->realtime_priority+1); pa_thread_mq_install(&u->thread_mq); while e.g. NULL sink doesn't: static void thread_func(void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; pa_assert(u); pa_log_debug("Thread starting up"); pa_thread_mq_install(&u->thread_mq); What is the reason for that? For me, it means that even if I solve all problems mentioned above, my NULL sinks still wouldn't be using realtime scheduler policy? Shouldn't it be fixed? m.