hi all, i've a finding about silence delay, the background is looking like this post : "[pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH] core: Drop empty gaps in the memblockq when playing data from it." (http://www.mail-archive.com/pulseaudio-discuss at mail.0pointer.de/msg09579.html) with tsched=1 and using default 2s buffer size,,while alsa-driver provides a even bigger buffer(5s),after the first rewind of "latency change" before starting playback, the buffer had been shrinked to a smaller value according to app's request, this trigger sink-input's rewinding , read-index become a negative value,,nearly -buffer_size. in pa_sink_input_cb() , pa_memblockq_peek() will return silence before the readindex reach 0 from the negative value. that caused obvious delay. i had one idea to disable alsa-sink's first rewind request of "latency change" , to avoid sink-input's read-index moved back, but seems still delay...so a bit confused. Thanks --xingchao